Saturday, February 19, 2022

Wireless Topologies Explained (BSS, ESS and SSIDs)

This covers wireless topologies, going over BSS, ESS and SSIDs


When you connect to a wireless network, you typically connect to an available SSID then away you go. Once connected you can freely move around a building, moving from one access point to another access point all while still connected to the same SSID.

To manage the connected clients, wireless networks use BSS, ESS and SSIDs to enable mobility.


Thinking about SSIDs, you see it as one overall network for a whole building/campus where you are connected to just that wireless network. That WLAN is made up of access points all broadcasting the SSID for clients. As people connect to the SSID, they also connect to the access point within range.

Each access point has its own local wireless network which covers the broadcast radius of the access point's radios. This local WLAN of the access point is a BSS. For a WLAN, it isn't just the SSID of the whole building/campus but it is also multiple BSS networks that make up the foundations of the network.

Each BSS has an ID that the WLAN uses to track which AP a client is connected to and to ensure each BSS can be uniquely identified. If you go into CMD or PowerShell in Windows, you can use the command 'netsh wlan show interfaces' to see what the BSSID is of the BSS you are connected to. Below is an example.


Extended Service Sets are basically what we typically call SSIDs. An ESS is a collection of BSSs that are broadcasting the same SSIDs to allow clients to roam between the APs. Below is an example of multiple BSS networks making up a larger WLAN to form an ESS.


SSIDs are friendly names for WLAN networks. BSS networks have a BSSID which is the MAC of the broadcasting AP but SSIDs make things easier. For an ESS, there is no ESSID but the SSID giving it a friendly name removes the need for an ESSID. SSIDs are used for both BSS and ESS as it's easy to have the consistancy and avoids having to use the BSSID.

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